The power of perseverance and its impact on your success.

There are a few fundamental elements for success in life that could be considered common sense, but in reality are not that common. Even common sense itself isn’t very common, but that’s a different story.  The elements that I speak about are: Action 
 … and the list goes on 
 This list can continue for a long time, but the reality is that even this short list is enough for multiple posts (it probably will be in time). All three items can realistically be related to almost any subject or activity, but in our case we’ll look at it through the lens of this site (personal finance with a hint of life).   Effort and action are very closely related to each other in that if you are taking action you are in many ways making an effort. Though, the effort that goes into taking action does not Continue Reading

What’s gets measured, gets managed!

There is an old adage that I heard when I started working, in the late 90’s, and that is: “What gets measured gets managed”. There is a whole lot of truth in that statement that even my 20-year-old self, understood at a basic level. This is now even truer than it was all those many years ago. In today’s day and age, companies are collecting and using data at alarming rates. Why? Because they use it as a tool, a very powerful tool, one that allows them to increase their profits and also one you can use. If you look at the concept of data it’s just information, impartial numbers, and facts that don’t lie, they just give us a value of a measurement. From temperature to the speed that you’re driving as you pass the little old lady on the highway. This information doesn’t care about anything, it is, Continue Reading

Pressing the reset button!

When your computer, or any electronic device, decides to freeze the easiest way to solve the problem is often to press the reset button. But take this solution out of electronics and, while simple, it applies to a great many things. How does a baby learn to walk? They fall down over and over eventually starting to understand elements of walking and developing strength in their legs. Over time this slowly becomes easier and easier and in time the baby walks – how many times do they have to press the reset button to get it right? Most things in life are like that – you have to fall down a fuckload of times before you really start to understand what you’re talking about and what the concept is. This iterative process is one of the ways we learn, from our mistakes, getting better at each attempt. Not many of Continue Reading